Thursday 22 January 2009

The crazy show

Welcome everybody on Crazy 1. I'm the one, the unic mister crazy man and I'm happy to present you this brand new show THE CRAZY SHOW! For this first time, we have some special guest for your plesure. They will have to answer some questions from who is the father of Radia Datto's baby to Who is the writter of BNL's last book? If they don't know the answer, they will be forfeit with the launch of rotten eggs and others delicious things. My assistant Crazynella will do that bad task even if we all know that it's a real pleasure for her.
Now let me introduce you our guest for tonight:
The singer well-known in Nowhere land Mr Franco Lilianne!
The famous actor known for his two saga Rocko and Ramby Mr Sylver Stellon!
The hilarous comedian from Brice All Mighty or Dumbo and Dumber Mr James Carrier!
Cooking is his departement so be careful of what you say in front of him it's Mr John Paul Kauffman!
Well, Everybody's ready! Let the show begin!!!

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