Wednesday 21 January 2009


???:Hurry this way!
???:Why are they after me?
???:Because you're the one and they'll be frighted until you'll be dead.
???:The one? I don't understand, who are you anyway?
???:Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself I'm Ridgard the Wizard and you 're in a big danger.
???:I'm sorry but it's really confusing to me. I'm just a farmer. I'm not the one of anything.
Ridgard:We don't really have the time to talk about that now, You'll have to follow me blind. Come on, young Galic, for that is your name.
Galic: do you know my name?
Ridgard : I'm a wizard, it's one of my little trick. Now, let's go to the nothern castle. The lord Mc Flard is a friend of mine. He will hide us till the things goes down.
Galic : But I can't leave my family! What I'm gonna say to them?
Ridgard: Don't worry, they already know the whole truth! I told them a long time ago.
Galic: But...but
Ridgard: No but young man, we have to go quickly or Saldemore's Knight would catch us on the way. By the way, let's take the road to the White Forest, the trees will help us and they won't be able to find us there.
Galic: I don't think I have the choice and I don't really understand
Ridgard: You'll understand soon, let's move

2 commentaires:

marla dellamorte said...

are you stuck in your own matrix young padawan?

The fake world of a crazy man said...
