Thursday 29 January 2009


Among all the things that one may know, there something common to all...we all need evasion. From a book, a film, video-game, travel whatever, we all need to get out of our daily which can be boring sometimes to others worlds. The world that I like the most and I think that you have already noticed with this blog is the heroic-fantasy. Those universe whatever the support that is used for telling the story have the same things in common :

The quest : one has something to do to save the world, a woman, his mother, father.....
The characters : a man (woman sometimes) from poor conditions, not yet in manhood, dream about adventure, a wise (wizard, older man), a princess, a vilain, friends...
The universe : middle-age like, present time, futur (depending to the plot)
The background : world in war or close to it
Key elements : magic, magic gear/weapon, cloak, battle, ring....

In the story, the hero is going to grow up from the beginning to the end, understanding the reason of his mission, learning things from his friends, giving his life for them.
He has then to fight the vilain that cause suffer and evilness to set the world free.

More information about on wikipedia :

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